
Search results for query: Ark

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  1. Kdbradley85

    Installed ARK Micro Flares

    The screws go into the grommets that are already inside your wheel well. In the rear, there is one factory hex screw to remove (there were three in the front ones, so it was more obvious). See the first picture in my post above, and you can see where they go. You should’ve been sent 3/4” long...
  2. Installed ARK Micro Flares

    How did you get the top bolts to screw in the back? The bolts that come with these are too short. Did you use the push clips as well? Not sure where they would go and starting to think Ark sent the wrong hardware
  3. Factory mudflaps part numbers # - from 4th gen 2024 Tacoma SR5

    What did you end up doing on the top bolts? Looking everywhere i know to find something similar that's a tad longer. Also emailed Ark yesterday and havent gotten a response
  4. ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    This is the way.
  5. ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    "Canadaina flaps?" - what are those? d
  6. ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    Thank you for the pics! They do look good. Are the completely ridgid, or do they have some flex?
  7. MT-Taco

    ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    Lots of pictures here, ( search tool ) https://www.tacoma4g.com/forum/search/283334/?q=Ark&o=date
  8. Vidman

    ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    Had the Ark ones on but replaced them with the Canadian flaps
  9. ARK Mudflaps - anyone install them?

    Hello everyone! Anyone sporting these on their 4th gen? I can't seem to find any good pictures on what the whole truck looks like with them installed.
  10. Forest Moon

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    I have the Rokblokz rally mud flaps on mine. They are very flexible but don't flap around while driving. They're is a good pic right in this thread of the improved coverage over stock. Glad I got mine on before winter arrived.
  11. Vidman

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    I have the Canadian ones on at the moment. They look like they belong on the truck more than the ARK
  12. Airborne

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    This is an excellant comparison picture , wow. Thank you. As they say , “””. A picture is worth a 1000 words””. Well don
  13. TacoFish

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    which mud flaps are you keeping?
  14. Kdbradley85

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    ...concrete, so I’d like to avoid that. Anyone have a good recommendation for actual mud flaps and not the plastic guards? I was leaning towards the Ark micro guards because they still leave a decent amount of clearance, but they also don’t look super effective at keeping stuff from hitting the...
  15. Brian2011

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    Best F-ing picture I have seen, ARK is by far the best coverage I have seen and I own the ark setup for this reason
  16. Vidman

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    Difference between the ARK and Canadian ones on my TH
  17. MT-Taco

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    ARK or Rocblokz
  18. Benny

    Best aftermarket mud flaps?

    I went with ARK Splash Guards: Trixpoly Mudflaps They also have a low profile option if you prefer. Great quality and coverage.