So driving back to Texas from my Aunt's funeral in Omaha yesterday, I stopped for gas and when I started my Taco I had no apple car play navigation map. I drove to the nearest dealership and the tech fixes the problem and said my iPhone and apple car play needed to be resynchronized. In and...
I never wanted the subwoofer that appears to come with every 4th gen TRD Sport. I would rather have the extra storage space. My 2nd and 3rd gen TRD Sport Tacos didn't have this speaker behind the backseat and I had all kinds of room for my prepper stuff, booze, and bottled water. Has anyone...
So I said goodbye to my 3rd gen Taco and it's 21 gallon fuel tank and found my dream build 4th gen Taco in Florida. Everything is so much better with the newest generation except the 18 gallon fuel tank. I run the Dallas/El Paso, Dallas/Yuma, and Dallas/Salt Lake City routes every month and my...
I'm holding out for a 4th gen Taco with a manual transmission. I've had a 1993, 2014, 2016, and 2020 Taco and all have had a "stick-shift" gear-box. Hoping someone can show some real pictures and not off YouTube.