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  1. robfultz

    Online wheel & tire packages

    Anyone us theses places online like Audiocityusa that come mounted & balanced? Opinions/recommendations please. Rob
  2. robfultz

    Toyota App Asks for Permission to Connect Every time?

    Every time I start the truck and phone connects, my Toyota App prompts me to allow connection. I have looked for a place on the phone & the truck settings to "Always Allow", but did not find. Any help? Thx Rob
  3. robfultz

    Wheel Website with Pictures Installed

    I looking for wheels for my OR and looking for a site that shows an install on any truck for visualization. I know Tire Rack has one but its on a cartoonish type picture, not a real install. I don't care what the truck is, just want to see a real install. Thx, Rob
  4. robfultz

    2024 Tacoma Glovebox Removal ??

    Thinking about adding the Beat-Sonic amp but want to add inside glove box to be able to adjust the gain. Customer service said the wiring is long enough but before I drill a hole for the wires, I want to see what is behind it : ) Anyone removed it yet...need some help. Thanks, Rob
  5. robfultz

    Air Dam - Bolt onto 2024 Off Road?

    I know most people are ripping them off. Does anyone know if they would bolt onto an Off Road? I did like to try one.
  6. robfultz

    White smoke or vapor at startup?

    My 2024 OR Tacoma when first started sends a white vapor or smoke out of the exhaust. Last about 15 seconds or so. is this normal?
  7. robfultz

    Replacing Bed Lights?

    One appears to have led bulb out. Does the lens just pop off or do you need to remove the whole assembly?
  8. robfultz

    Maryland Sold: Front Grill Blacked Out Emblem - Trade?

    I have a 2024 Off-Road with the blackout package. I'd like the Crome one instead. I would be willing to trade if someone is interested. Please check size is the same as in the pics. Rob
