Does anyone know how to switch the Total Average MPG that you can display on the odometer screens 1-3 to the trip A or B MPG average? Or is this not possible because I thought it was.
Do you think its from the shocks and not from maybe the seat frame rubbing on another piece of metal?
I would not know how to take the back cover off the seat to get to that bolt from the picture you posted.
Is it loud enough to hear if you turned off all AC and move around in the seat while truck is not moving to record? Or do you only hear it when driving?
I hear something from under me, which I think is from my "behind" rubbing on the soft tex material. I do not hear anything from the middle back area where the shocks are, but its not a clunk. It sounds like my clothes rubbing on that leather like area on the back of my "behind". Idk what a...
Have you been able to record a video of the clunking? I’m just curious as to what it sounds like (so i have something to look out for if i ever hear it)
Do you hear the seat clunk on the side of the seat or from the backside of the iso seats? My gf said she hears an occasional clunk like noise and it seems to be where the bolsters hit the hard plastic on the side. It’s not from the shocks at all.
Update us what your dealership says.
Yeah, definitely should be taken a look at and fixed if there is something wrong for sure. Also, keep us posted on what you hear from your dealership if/when you take it in. I will keep an eye on mine as well.
Try putting it on the offroad setting and just driving normally. I would also see if your local dealership would take a look based on what @Desertrunner's dealership says.
Yes, I have the Terra. Call your local dealership's Parts Department and give them the color code "4Z0" and they can order a paint pen for you for like $12. He said it would be about 2 weeks to get here and will call me when its there.
Do you have your seats set to the offroad setting or the "off" setting? I adjusted mine for my gf and I's weight and put them on the offroad setting. Ill look out for the clunking, but I dont believe I have felt this. Keep me posted on what you hear from a dealership if you go get it checked out.
I got a few scratches from driving my pro home from VA only on my passenger side on the part of above the black fenders (the body above fenders) from semis blasting rocks back at my since I stayed in the left lane and dont have any on the drivers side. I bought a touch up pen from a nearby...
When you say clunking, is it a loud clunk? I had stuff on floor behind my iso seats that I hear from the constant bumpy roads and itll go away when it smooths out.
Keep us posted on what your dealership finds out. I am at 671 miles on my pro btw.
Can you link where you got yours? I have a Terra Pro and want to do the rear fenders since this seems to be the most prominent area where stuff flies back.