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  1. First mods for your 2024 Tacoma 4th gen?

    I swapped out the stock shift knob for the ā€˜05-ā€˜15 trd ball knob, and now Iā€™m waiting for my tonneau cover to shipā€¦ and I do like those tundra forged wheels
  2. Manual Transmission issues?

    Iā€™ve been shifting out of 1st around 3k and letting the engine spin down to try and rev match for a smoother shift, automatics can stay on the power but we canā€™t
  3. Turbo Engine lag?

    Havenā€™t noticed any lag, but I didnā€™t really ā€œroll into the boost.ā€ I saw 7.5 psi when merging onto a highway but the truck didnā€™t seem to change if I was on or off the turbo
  4. Manual 2024 Tacoma Owners? Reviews / feedback?

    I havenā€™t yet, and I probably wonā€™t for a little while until I feel like I understand the machineā€¦ but I absolutely will say that the parking brake hold is a lifesaver for the mt. It will hold the truck until power is going to the wheels, and that alone has me excited to be back to rowing my own...
  5. Manual 2024 Tacoma Owners? Reviews / feedback?

    I just picked up my sport premium mt, and I have to say I am quite surprised! 1. The clutchesā€™ friction point is higher up than I thought, it seems to bite about halfway up the pedalā€™s travel 2. The shifter is a lot shorter and not hurt than expected. I learned on a 93 p/u that I installed an...
  6. RIVAL Aluminum Skid Plates Coming Soon

    Will the transmission skid plate work on an m/t as well?
  7. Manual 2024 Tacoma Owners? Reviews / feedback?

    Mine is showing a delivery date between 4/05-4/10 but since itā€™s been pushed back 4 times Iā€™ll hold my breath, Iā€™ll try and give you my impressions but since itā€™s been 8 years since Iā€™ve driven a manual Toyota (93 p/u) I canā€™t really compare it to the tacos
  8. Think there will be a TRD Performance package?

    I think thereā€™s a plan for an intake/exhaust, but it would be good to have one to help the sports be more focused
  9. Delivery route change?

    Sounds like itā€™s shipping by rail, the factory in Guanajuato built along a rail line so itā€™s good to see that itā€™s being utilized
  10. Anyone else’s keep getting pushed back?

    I have a trd sport premium on allocation that seems to repeatedly be getting pushed back and was wondering if anybody else was experiencing the same. I put down my deposit in September, and got an allocation in December for a February build but it seems that it hasnā€™t been built yet.
