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  1. Credit Card Key comes with 2024 TRD Off-Road?

    Yes, I only received the thin key. I bugged the salesman and they will look around at the dealership. Thanks
  2. Credit Card Key comes with 2024 TRD Off-Road?

    Picked up my Off-Road Premium last week. The delivery specialist wasn't there (sick) so a young salesman gave me the two key fobs, a thin key and that was it. Complained to my original salesman about the handover. I went back in earlier this week and he went over everything. But I don't have the...
  3. Caps / Camper Shell -- Leer or ARE?

    My TRD Offroad, double cab, 5 foot bed shows up next week after being on a QC hold. I need a shell for the bed to put the pups in. Had a Leer on my gen 2 Tacoma that worked well. I've looked into the ARE and Leer a bit. Are they custom made for the Gen 4 Taco or are they a generic fit? And...