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  1. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    They replaced the fan motor on mine and it fixed the issue for a couple weeks. As I was driving home today it started back up randomly and for few minutes and then turned back off. Looks like will be contacting dealer in the morning to let them know it doesn’t appear to be the fix unless it’s...
  2. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    Same here. They unplugged for time being until part comes in. Hopefully that will fix the issue.
  3. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    That sucks they ripped the cover on your seat. Would like to think they would be more careful to not do something like that. Did replacing the fan motor fix the issue for you?
  4. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    it appears to be a faulty fan motor on the seat. Dealer says should take a couple weeks to get part. For time being disconnecting the passenger seat as it started running entire time truck was on over past few days. Once part is replaced will post if fixed issue or not.
  5. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    I haven’t taken it back yet. Still doing occasionally but almost at the 5,000 mark so figure will have them look when take it in for maintenance check to avoid going there twice.
  6. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    It’s frustrating for sure but could be worse. Have appointment with dealer tomorrow so hopefully a quick fix. It’s TRD off road with the premium package.
  7. Vented seat turns on and won't turn off

    Used the vented passenger seat this past weekend for the first time, and now the vent will randomly turn off and will not quit until the truck is turned off. Anyone else have similar issue?
  8. Thoughts on Beat Sonic amp?

    For those that bought the Beat Sonic amp, what are your thoughts? Was install as straight forward as their video? Sound noticeably better? Curious if this option is worth buying or if another option out there better.