It's my favorite so far. I've used onX, Gaia, TrailsOffroad, and Avenza (a local off-road park has their offline maps on this one).How do you like Onx
I've kept my subscriptions to onX and TrailsOffroad. I like Gaia visually, but found it cumbersome to navigate / edit on a mobile device - tried on both my iPhone and iPad mini. The most success I had with Gaia was planning and making paths on the web and sending the files to my device.
onX is my favorite for on-trail use and they just added navigation TO the trails to the App. Previously, nav only worked when you were at the trail. It's also the best in CarPlay, in my humble opinion. Plus, the host monthty webinars on how to actually use and make the most of the app.
TrailsOffroad is my go-to for the most info about a trail. Lots of quality user reviews and notes about actual difficulty/technical nature of the trails.