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  1. Desertrunner

    Merry Christmas Taco fans!

    Got this awesome Christmas gift! Who else on here can relate LOL!
  2. Desertrunner

    Seat Clunk TRD PRO

    No luck with the 2nd dealership. I’ll make a call to corporate again. It has to be something that can be fixed. Neither dealership took apart the seat.
  3. Desertrunner

    Seat Clunk TRD PRO

    I called corporate and they told me to have another dealership check it out so I have another appointment the 3rd. Hope they can figure something out.
  4. Desertrunner

    Seat Clunk TRD PRO

    Update. I was told to try different pressures lol. I have it set at the psi the books states for my weight. I was told they will address it with the Toyota rep.
  5. Desertrunner

    Seat Clunk TRD PRO

    Mine is adjusted to my weight and does it in both settings.
  6. Desertrunner

    Seat Clunk TRD PRO

    Yes and only the drivers seat. Already have an appointment set up at the dealership to figure it out.
  7. Desertrunner

    Gas Milage

    Just hit 2400 miles on my pro. with 600 of it off-road in 4x4 and total average is 21 MPG. I don’t use cruise and coast in EV mode On the down hills.
  8. Desertrunner

    Hybrid Break-In with Massive Elevation Gain 1st Trip

    I took mine to 12800ft with less than 200 miles. Ran like a champ!
  9. Desertrunner

    Paint chip repair for hood of TRD PRO

    100$. Worth it to me as I drive a lot of dirt roads.
  10. Desertrunner

    Paint chip repair for hood of TRD PRO

    That sucks. I just had a local shop put some PPF on the rear quarter section. Only 500 miles and they were full of chips. Hopefully this helps.
  11. Desertrunner

    TRD Pro Allocations. Post them here. đź“‹

    Not bad. I’ll run them this winter then switching to Nitto Trail grapplers. I have those on my 2nd gen and love em
  12. Desertrunner

    TRD Pro Allocations. Post them here. đź“‹

    It’s worth the wait! Just picked up my Terra today. This thing is badass!