@tacorancher I have never done any PPF on any of my previous trucks.
One of the things I love about trucks is that they are tools to do a job, and Tacomas are among the best. The dings and dents my Tundra earned while working and playing never bothered me at all, and all I did was wax it every year or two and change the oil. But my Pro is too pretty to beat up and too capable to not use it off road, so I made my first ever choice to PPF it. The plan is to use it as a back road hero and still keep it clean. We will see how this goes.
I can understand going either way with a 4th gen. They are good honest machines meant to be used and somehow they are also like some of my special cars and I want to take the best care of them I can. Either way you have one of the best trucks I have ever driven and can use them exactly as you want.
I’m not acting like a small part of me doesn’t die when I get a rock chip lol.. I just had to cut it off at some point. A lot of people do full PPF and I would love to have that peace of mind.