

Well-known member
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May 23, 2024
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Crozet, Virginia
2024 Tacoma TRD Pro, 2023 Lexus RZ450e
1mo is included for free and I believe the OP confirmed the settings persist regardless of subscription status.
Yep - the setting are good until you change them and the subscription is only needed if your want to make more changes.
The factory head unit cuts back the low frequencies as you turn it up. With the amp, it’s louder with lower volume, so the sound doesn’t get as neutered.
That is exactly what I found too - I was surprised at how much better mine sounds with the BS amp.



Well-known member
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Oct 19, 2024
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Toronto, ON
2025 Tacoma TRD Pro
I didn't end up with a free month, I had to pay
ahh yes:
2024 Tacoma JBL Speakers: Sound Volume Too Low Fix w/ Carista 1742327128780-lu

Seems to be in various countries.. Maybe this doesn't apply to us up here:eek: I'll report back when I cancel as they have a 30-day money back guarantee..

EDIT: I don't think it will happen for me either as I used Apple Pay and the subscription went active immediately via my iCloud account:(
Last edited:



TRD Off-Road Premium
Aug 10, 2024
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2024 Tacoma TRD Off-road
* EDIT * Hello again. I wasn't exactly sure how to edit this post or if I should delete it. I decided to keep it but leave this edit at the top. It brings me sorrow to say that those saying the below "fix" doesn't actually work are correct. !I WAS WRONG! My intention was not to fleece anyone or post bs. My original post was what I thought was correct. However, this morning I saw emails notifying me on posts in this thread and decided to go double check myself. I plugged in my carista app and opened the settings. I turned the speaker volume down to 0 and up to 14 and heard no change in the music being played through the speakers. There was no adjustment of volume. I must deeply apologize to the community. I thought I had found a fix and wanted to share it. I'm not sure what I experienced. My speaker volume was infact much lower before I plugged in the carista odb and much higher after removing it. I'm not sure what the anomaly here is, if it was some type of placebo effect on my ears, some odd jolt in electricity from odb, or just me with my head in my hoohah. I do not mind admitting that I was wrong. I verified my incompetence this morning. The only thing left is for me to attempt to figure out why the volume of my stereo seemed to fix itself. Maybe it didn't. But it certainly sounds much better to me than before when I first got the truck. Again, my deepest apologies to anyone I may have inconvenienced with this post. I will let the moderators decide if it should be marked closed or removed. *EDIT*

Hello everyone,

I am new here but joined for 3 reasons. The first has to do with the title to this thread.

I inherited a 4th Gen SR5 with upgraded JBL speakers back in late November. I immediately noticed how quiet and crappy the sound system performed. Initially, I didn't do any research on the topic. I had a portable JBL speaker in the past and never thought the audio sounded all that great so I just chalked it up to JBL being a low grade audio speaker company anyway. Mid December, I watched a Youtube video searching for a way to turn off the incredibly annoying seat belt chime. I often drive around on private property, at low speeds, with very little need for the belt as I am hopping in and out of the vehicle quite often.

That video is when I found out about an ODB device called "Carista." It is advertised as being able to unlock "secret features" in some car brands and models. Albeit, with a subscription. I decided to purchase it anyway. The device arrived, I plugged it in, and I subscribed to the service. The device and application does as promised. Several nice features were unlocked. I was able to disable the seat belt chimes, enable the windows to be rolled down via the key fob, disable or lower the sensitivity of the front parking alarms, and many more things. Most importantly, I WAS ABLE TO SOMEWHAT FIX THE JBL SPEAKERS!

In the Carista APP, under the special vehicle customizations tab, I noticed an option for MUSIC AND AUDIO. I clicked it. The only object under this setting was called "volume" i believe and it had the numbers 1-10. Mine was set to 3. I turned it to 10. Immediately, I was able to listen to music at a very high volume by having the stereo only set to 20. Before changing this setting in carista, If I wanted the stereo to be somewhat loud, I needed the head unit to be turned up to 60. Going to 60 would now blow out my eardrums. After some time, I decided to settle on setting the option in carista to 8. Now, I turn the volume to 30 or 35 and it is very loud. 50, and I can't hear myself think and my voice is drowned out while jammin along.

I believe these features accessed by Carista can be accessed by a dealership. I have no idea why Toyota would send a dealer a vehicle with global volume setting set to 3 instead of 8 or 9. I could understand not having the global volume set to 10. As I believe a 10 will allow for a completely unfiltered use of the speakers and potentially blow them out. However, I don't think 8 will cause this issue. I have a computer headset with a tuner that operates similarly. I have the option for 1-10 and i set that, then I control the volume level through windows. Maybe Toyota is just playing it safe so it's virtually impossible to cause issues with the sound system? Either way, JBL speakers are not the best. Mid, Treble, and Bass aren't that great and at the pricepoint of 4th gen taco i would expect something like polk audio or boston speakers. I will say, they are sounding much better now after I adjusted this setting. I would reach out to your dealer to see if they can manually adjust this for you. If they don't know what you are talking about, tell them it's in the same system that allows you to enable opening the windows with the key fob. If they try to charge you, I would tell em to "obsenity" off, and just buy the Carista ODB. I believe i got mine on sale for 40 bucks at christmas with a year of access to the application.

**EDIT** I was recalling the location of the setting in the carista app from memory while typing this. It's very possible that setting is found elsewhere in the customizations menu. Please look around.

Those who are wondering... Carista settings changes will stay persistent after cancelling the subscription. You can also use it on as many vehicles it is compatible with as you want.

If anyone has any questions, wants to know more, or needs help with this at all, feel free to reach out to me.
would this affect warranty?
Feb 21, 2025
Reaction score
2024 Tacoma TRD Sport+
Yep - the setting are good until you change them and the subscription is only needed if your want to make more changes.

That is exactly what I found too - I was surprised at how much better mine sounds with the BS amp.
I had to pay too - I think they just got too popular and they withdrew the free month offer.
would this affect warranty?

No it wouldn't

