I'm interested in purchasing and running a set up using the soft topper on my 2024 OR Bronze. Was curious if anyone is currently running it and how they like it, as well as pics please.
I really anticipated getting a softopper when I bought this truck but the gap between the bed and the topper (due to the roof spoiler) is really not doing it for me. That opinion is based on the very few images I’ve seen of it on their website. I’m also very interested to see if anyone has pics to share that better represents what it looks like.
My truck was used to build out the prototype at the end of summer to the final build
I do use it on and off - depending on my needs
It does come off really easy - I think the fit is as good as other years
I really do love it, super quiet and weather tight. Good visibility as well. I would run it full time, but I tend to be the "guy with a truck" to help haul stuff for family and friends. Once set up, folding it up is a great option, or to take it off really takes about 10 min