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Fattirz in NC

TRD Off-Road Premium
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May 18, 2023
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Charlotte, NC
2002 F-150 SuperCrew
the interior of your truck looks like a taxi cab bro what are you even going on about

Ha ha… fair enough though. What can I say it’s 23 years old. 😁 Civility on this thread shall remain. I’m guessing most everything on the road in 2002 looked this awesome. 😂



Dec 14, 2024
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2024 Terra
Ha ha… fair enough though. What can I say it’s 23 years old. 😁 Civility on this thread shall remain. I’m guessing most everything on the road in 2002 looked this awesome. 😂
disagree. the interior in my 2003 honda is lightyears ahead of anything ford put out for probably another 15 years.

2024 Tacoma Video: Why the peasantry HATE the 2024 Tacoma 4th gen 1735706484286-i



TRD Off-Road
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Jun 8, 2024
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2024 Toyota Tacoma TRD OR MT
ap1. mine's got tan interior i just couldn't find a good pic so i snagged one off google images.

The S2000 was such an awesome car when it came out. I’ve never driven one, but always liked seeing them. They were expensive back in the day! Imagine how much they’d cost in today’s money… I’m guessing around the upper $60’s, easy. I bet you get folks asking if you’re thinking about selling it. That taxi cab comment got me good tho lol.

My father still has his ‘96 Silverado, and man, tan interiors were a thing back then for sure. The exterior is still pretty sweet looking though. That thing was badass when I was younger and it was all shiny and new. I’m trying to convince him to get the new Tacoma cause his old truck is really showing its age with the rust and tired, old engine. An xtracab would be perfect for him, utility wise.


TRD Sport
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Dec 23, 2023
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2024 TRD Sport 6MT
Beyond where we all are with income and assets will be my boomer hat speaking now. There is a lot of success envy and jealousy. I saw that started around 1980 and germinated way beyond punk music. Now it has grown much more and I'm sure it is aggravated by how hard it is to have income and assets if you do not possess the right skills or won a birth or marriage lottery.

The change is horrible. I was not doing well in that earlier time, was not making good choices, but for sure not alone being inspired by more successful people. Now where I supervise and lead at scale I see much more envy and jealousy towards success and educational attainment.

I believe much of this envy and parochial behavior has become deep and systemic.

I have been a supervisor for over 23 years, currently have 62 direct reports alone. The comments are always the same, must be nice to have $$$, you make more buy us some donuts, etc...

I look at it this way, at and over 18 years old, we all make decisions to where we end up in life. Those that worked hard to where they are at and those that just complain and point fingers as to why they cannot have success or the like.

I grew up in a poor immigrant family, living on food stamps, subsidized city housing to name a few. That did not stop my parents making us finish school and make a better life and work hard to earn something and not just get it handed to you. My parents were embarrassed to get food stamps and assistance. Today, society expects to get assistance and that somehow the state owes them.

I served in the Marines that paid for my two college degrees, our first home was a VA loan that really helped because we had no assets for down payment. Did not stop us from moving forward. My wife of 16 years started as a front-end cashier at Home Depot, and now she is a District Manager for Lowes making more than me, and she has no formal degree or the like. 17 years of hard work will pay off, but you have to show up to work every day and do the duty before you.

New generation has a problem showing up to work daily. I have termed dozens this past year because they start to call in and it becomes a drug with them. Bad work ethic and the like.


TRD Off-Road
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Jul 21, 2024
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2024 Tacoma TRD Offroad Long Bed
I really like the Tacoma don’t get me wrong, but I’m still on the fence as to if I’ll buy one. Toyota addressed many problems with the last gen but seriously dropped the ball on a few key areas of 4th gen design.

I’m driving an ‘02 F-150 Lariat SuperCrew (purchased new) with 116k on the odometer and haven’t had a vehicle payment in 20 years. I started banking a monthly “truck payment” to my personal savings over 7 years ago, so affording a halo Tacoma isn’t a concern as much as me being okay with its shortcomings. As for the “haters” out there… I don’t see it as hate as much as honest criticism of some serious design shortfalls. I’m sure I’ll piss some of you off but my reasoning for not buying one is 4 fold….

First price is too high when comparing the Tacoma to its midsize competition. It has nothing to do with many buyers not able to afford one either. It’s about value. Reliability and resale value of a first model year vehicle isn’t worth that extra cost either, with both being unknowns
My second sticking point is the lousy rear seat room. With the front seat in the lowest setting you can’t even slide your feet underneath. Tied with Nissan for worst in the midsize class and I’ve sat in all of them.
My third reason for hitting the pause button is interior materials and layout. Too much cheap looking hard plastic for the price.
4th is the small gas tank giving it a short range between fill-ups.
Sucks you can’t build/order one from the factory with all your personal preferences too. I don’t get that at all?

The main thing this Tacoma has going for it is all the trim packages and multiple cab/bed configurations. The main reason I’m still considering a Tacoma is the availability to buy a crew cab with a 6’ bed. If Ford or the GM twins had this cab/bed config., I would have likely gone with one of them since both offer better rear legroom and nicer interiors. Tacoma hater I am not, just a picky consumer being honest.
A 2024 F150 achieves the IIHS top safety pick that is a Tacoma advantage and I get your point on the bed length. Most mid and full-sized were unacceptable to me for 5 and 5.5 ft beds. Sadly and hopefully turned around are the recent Ford quality broadly - recalls, actual problems etc... I know from our work fleet the area Ford dealers are not as good as the Toyota dealer and Toyota has a good record of standing behind product.

FYI on the interior. Mine is work and task oriented and I kind of like it simple for that reason and now with 1/2 year and 5000 mi also knowing the Fords it is wonderful for use including the quiet.

Our 2015 Toyota had same reactionary nonsense from people. Toyota stood by the few problems, at trade in time it sure was popular and held value.

So far I'm please with any risk I took. This might be for having the better seats but driving t
I have been a supervisor for over 23 years, currently have 62 direct reports alone. The comments are always the same, must be nice to have $$$, you make more buy us some donuts, etc...

I look at it this way, at and over 18 years old, we all make decisions to where we end up in life. Those that worked hard to where they are at and those that just complain and point fingers as to why they cannot have success or the like.

I grew up in a poor immigrant family, living on food stamps, subsidized city housing to name a few. That did not stop my parents making us finish school and make a better life and work hard to earn something and not just get it handed to you. My parents were embarrassed to get food stamps and assistance. Today, society expects to get assistance and that somehow the state owes them.

I served in the Marines that paid for my two college degrees, our first home was a VA loan that really helped because we had no assets for down payment. Did not stop us from moving forward. My wife of 16 years started as a front-end cashier at Home Depot, and now she is a District Manager for Lowes making more than me, and she has no formal degree or the like. 17 years of hard work will pay off, but you have to show up to work every day and do the duty before you.

New generation has a problem showing up to work daily. I have termed dozens this past year because they start to call in and it becomes a drug with them. Bad work ethic and the like.
Different generations but we share some things in common in the same state. My grandfather's and dad's junk and hides truck here was part of my early '60s day care center. I've always got some special empathy when I see some family entrepreneur in and old work vehicle.

I'm also careful to not be too reactionary. Most of gen z where we have hundreds in my area and lots in the huge enterprise are most skilled ever. What really has changed systematically is the manipulation to be tribal.

This success envy matter I see and hear often is also really strong in a lot of my boomer and gen x behind me. It is easy to see how many made poor choices but they're not getting messages to be above it. They wallow in information that just stirs or adds.

It is easy to be negative but I try hard not to. In a lot of cases it helps coach or inspire some to do better.

I think I've seen your pickup near Stevens Point or Wausau or hwy 39/51 corridor.

2024 Tacoma Video: Why the peasantry HATE the 2024 Tacoma 4th gen SLvm93Q


TRD Off-Road
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Jun 8, 2024
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2024 Toyota Tacoma TRD OR MT
@oxi not trying to start a debate here, but your previous comment is so out of touch with my perception of reality that I just can't help myself. The "bootstraps" argument has been overplayed for decades by this point. It's great that you've found success in your career, you're a hard worker, you have a happy life, etc. etc., but that's how things panned out for you. I've known many, many extremely hardworking people who've busted their asses for at least 17 years, like yourself, who are struggling. Blaming a lack of work ethic or intelligence on their misfortunes is crazy to me. The wealthy class, the massive corporations and their shareholders, the politicians and the lobbyists who twist and push for government policies that keep the average working person struggling to get their fair share... the argument that you're pushing here is exactly how they want you to think and believe so that those with power can keep reaping all of the benefits and success made with the blood and sweat of the common "peasant."

Think about it! Look at the wealth disparity in the US... it's simply unsustainable. Just 5 of the wealthiest individuals in the USA have amassed a combined net worth of over a TRILLION dollars ($1.14T to be a little more exact). For some perspective, a trillion, with a capitol "T," is a million millions. Imagine becoming a millionaire a million times! The USA's GDP (which was very strong in 2023) was at around $27T. Their individual wealth is equivalent to 4.2% of our entire nation's GDP! And that's only 5 people, brother. There are now hundreds (I think over 800 of them now) of billionaires in the US. Factor in their wealth, and things start to become VERY clear as to who our "capitalist, free-market system" is intended to benefit. Does it seem normal that fewer than 1,000 people, in a country of several hundred million individuals, possess the equivalent wealth of over 1/3 of the national GDP? Normal people cannot fathom the amount of wealth and power that a billion dollars affords an individual person in the world. Now multiply that by a thousand, and that's how much wealth and power the top 5 individuals possess. Just two of these guys own the two largest social media platforms on the planet. They have the ability to spin any political narratives they wish, spread misinformation and social distractions at will, and sew political division and animosity amongst the powerless to their heart's content! This is only one example of this type of power, and with a little bit of digging, there are a ton more things that begin to come to light.

Overgeneralizing about the state of the youth, or those who are less successful than yourself (be they lazy, drug addicted, unintelligent, and/or unmotivated) is a bit shortsighted. I mean no offense, and of course, I'm just giving my opinion here as well, but take the recent murder of the insurance CEO in NYC, for example. The overwhelmingly positive public reaction to a man being gunned down, to me, is a sign that we may be headed into some trouble amongst the populace. I'm not defending the killer or the CEO (another type of killer) here, but again, our system is set up to allow for things like healthcare 'claims' denials to result in profits for those who are already rich beyond imagining. I watch a football game and I see TV commercials for hospitals! People are getting tired of it.

Sure, we have our nice things to be happy with, and we have our own little victories and accomplishments to be proud of, no doubt, but sometimes a little self-reflection, or imagining yourself in someone else's shoes, can go a long way in making the big picture just a little bit clearer. Maybe it's not the poorest amongst us, or those whom you might say are just "looking for government handouts" who should be the ones to blame for the state of things? Maybe we actually do live in a place and time where the term "peasant" is no longer an insult, but a fact of reality. We're well on our way to returning to another gilded age, and the forces which have pushed us here can only hold on for so long while the true power of the masses wakes up and begins push back.

All of that being said, I hope you don't take my rant as an attack. I've seen, heard, or read statements like what you've written many times before, and I don't normally get all "triggered" like this, I promise. I read your post, saw a tiny opening to get up on a soap box of my own, and so I did. Frankly, I hope we're both totally wrong and the world can become a happy place again; full of sunshine, rainbows, and endless supplies of candy and toys for all to have and enjoy. I might need a little bit of a reminder as to when that was exactly, but I'm digressing again. While it's obvious to make statements like "a lot of people are just lazy," or "the youth don't have enough drive" and be correct in some form or fashion, I also think that it's this type of thinking that helps to maintain the status quo. Stay blessed, and thanks for reading if you've made it this far!



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Sep 1, 2024
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tacoma TH
Same here and the sad thing is most of the hate is from people who don’t even own them. The admin are awful and should do a better job of weeding them out or not letting them post if they don’t own one. One thing to be in the forum to gather research but many have hundreds of posts that offer zero value with no intent of buying one. I have like 10 of them in my ignore list so I don’t even see their posts.
And now I’m getting super creepy/inappropriate direct messages in TW. Sigh.


TRD Off-Road Premium
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Jul 9, 2024
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2024 TRD Offroad, IMax , Premium, Bronze Oxide
Agree , that site is over moderated, theres way to many angry posters there, to the point they just want to argue and over react , i observe some threads ,but decline to participate, i just keep enjoying the feel for this site more each day


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Sep 1, 2024
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tacoma TH
Agree , that site is over moderated, theres way to many angry posters there, to the point they just want to argue and over react , i observe some threads ,but decline to participate, i just keep enjoying the feel for this site more each day
Great vibes here. Civil. Fun. Informative. Super helpful. Hopefully it stays this way.


TRD Sport
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Dec 23, 2023
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2024 TRD Sport 6MT
A 2024 F150 achieves the IIHS top safety pick that is a Tacoma advantage and I get your point on the bed length. Most mid and full-sized were unacceptable to me for 5 and 5.5 ft beds. Sadly and hopefully turned around are the recent Ford quality broadly - recalls, actual problems etc... I know from our work fleet the area Ford dealers are not as good as the Toyota dealer and Toyota has a good record of standing behind product.

FYI on the interior. Mine is work and task oriented and I kind of like it simple for that reason and now with 1/2 year and 5000 mi also knowing the Fords it is wonderful for use including the quiet.

Our 2015 Toyota had same reactionary nonsense from people. Toyota stood by the few problems, at trade in time it sure was popular and held value.

So far I'm please with any risk I took. This might be for having the better seats but driving t

Different generations but we share some things in common in the same state. My grandfather's and dad's junk and hides truck here was part of my early '60s day care center. I've always got some special empathy when I see some family entrepreneur in and old work vehicle.

I'm also careful to not be too reactionary. Most of gen z where we have hundreds in my area and lots in the huge enterprise are most skilled ever. What really has changed systematically is the manipulation to be tribal.

This success envy matter I see and hear often is also really strong in a lot of my boomer and gen x behind me. It is easy to see how many made poor choices but they're not getting messages to be above it. They wallow in information that just stirs or adds.

It is easy to be negative but I try hard not to. In a lot of cases it helps coach or inspire some to do better.

I think I've seen your pickup near Stevens Point or Wausau or hwy 39/51 corridor.


All I do is coach people to do and be better, but I can only go so far because the rest is up to them. Being transparent, honest and up front with them is vital to build trust. I do not lie to them so I expect them not to bullshyt me either.

My boss is more old school in leadership, while I am more methodical, technical like follow rules and procedures and treating writeups as if I were in a court proceeding. Details, details, details with facts and witnesses and not assumptions or personal opinion and bias.

Strategic thinking, where most look paycheck to paycheck and not see that big picture.

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