Closes the gap up. Nice and tight.What problem are those inserts addressing? I’m confused. Is this to fix the “issue” where the front of the glove box moves when you push on it? That design seems intentional to me, but I guess it’s cool someone came up with a fix for it. I took some pictures so you can see the door sitting normally vs pushed in:
i bought these, but now i am wondering if it was a mistake. i had assumed they maintain the same gap, but took away the play. but it sounds like they may actually force the box in closer to the dash at the top? that i wouldn't want, because then the width of the gap around the closed glovebox will vary, as opposed to the consistent gap width as it currently is. that unevenness would actually bother me more than the wiggle room does.I just purchased these inexpensive inserts and they work perfectly!
I'm sure the chief engineer would have a valid reason on why they'd design it like this. But it's still a crappy design. "Knee bumping" feature? I say BS. I highly doubt plastic stress is a factor, otherwise, the whole front dash would be affected.If I recall, this was asked of Sheldon Brown. He said it was deliberate so it had some give if it got a knee offroading or something like that. I would also imagine that it would reduce stress on the plastic when offroading as well. If I had a pavement princess, I might consider printing up a set of these, but since I don't I'm going to pass.
confirmed waste of $20. straight into the recycle bin. ah well.@thefinalstraw kinda what I was getting at. I don't know why they made the glovebox to move like it does, but it definitely seems like there's a reason for it. The gaps are even all the way around. I dunno... I get why some might find it annoying that it moves, but like, just don't push on your glovebox, right? It doesn't flop around or move at all while I'm driving, or even off-road, only when I physically push on the front of the glovebox. Meh, to each their own I guess.
They work perfect especially if you insert them properly lol. Some of these replies are comical.Just got these last weekend from Jordan, we live in the same city. They work great and highly recommended! You can order them from Etsy.