Fake news. This post literally made me want to dispel this fake news. Told by someone that is lucky enough to have them at their dealerships. Why even post without researching areas outside your area?This post literally made me join this wonderful forum. If you were really serious about purchasing the new Tacoma you would be driving in one by now like I have the last 2 weeks. Why even post a negative post like this... None of your six reasons are really valid. There is an amazing spreadsheet that lists every available taco in the area including color. Were there delays... Yes. Was it annoying... Yes. Did I get one by cultivating a relationship with my dealer... Yes. Either wait, get one, or move on bro!
I want one, I have 3 different model choices I can live with, 2 different colours of the ones available to me and a third, black, as a back up colour.
Do I want to pay 2 grand more in freight to try and hunt one down from across the country, especially without seeing one in real life or driving one? No, I am not that dumb.
Not all jurisdictions have them. Here in BC, none to look at yet. My dealer tells me end of March for the demo model. I am also exploring other dealers.