This setting is under the Instrument Panel category. Are you sure this "volume" setting isn't for the phone call audio? Reason I say this is because my 2008 Tundra has a hidden menu screen within the factory nav head unit. I forget how to get into it, but know it requires various button pushes and touching pattern on the screen...then it magically appears! Very cool for back in the day. You could adjust mic gain, sound cancelling level, and audio level - but this is all for the bluetooth phone portion of the system. And does work
Anyways, I did adjust mine to level 8. Not sure I hear any difference in the JBL system. Have not tried the phone yet. Factory level is 4, if i recall
Anyways, I did adjust mine to level 8. Not sure I hear any difference in the JBL system. Have not tried the phone yet. Factory level is 4, if i recall